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16/09/2018 – B(A)D News #14 08/18

This is episode number 14 of “B(A)D NEWS – Angry voices from around the world”, a news program from the international network of anarchist and antiauthoritarian radios, consisting of short news segments from different parts of the world.


The Hotwire reports on commemorative events and demonstrations on the one-year anniversary of the white-supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.

Radio Zones of Subversive Expression from Athens, Greece discuss the capitalist destruction of the land, as well as an update on the refugee situation in the shadow of the rich playboy tourist season.

The Final Straw from Asheville, North Carolina brings us an interview with Isabelle (a student at Oberlin College in Ohio) & Christopher (a recent graduate of Oberlin College) about student and community coordination to use direct action to resist a 36inch fracked gas pipeline to run through Oberlin and into the state of Michigan, 250 miles, in the so-called USA.

A-Radio Vienna in Austria shares a callout for an international week to support anarchist prisoners, August 23-30, and a call to mobilize against the September 20 European borders and militarism summit in Salzburg, Austria.

Dissident Island from the United Kingdom contributes an activism roundup, including an Animal Liberation Front action, trade union struggles, and anti-fascist actions.